The Biology Ph.D. program received the 2019 Dean’s Award for Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education. Physiology is the study of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical processes of living organisms function as a whole. Cell Theory: There are three parts to cell theory — the cell is the basic unit of life, all living things are composed of cells, and all cells arise from pre-existing cells. In addition to subject-specific skills, biology graduates develop valuable transferable skills such as data analysis, communication, teamwork and time management.
Biology has evolved as a field of science since it was first studied in ancient civilizations, although modern biology is a relatively recent field. Learn about animals, plants, evolution, the tree of life, ecology, cells, genetics, fields of biology and more. Organismic biologists came through the period of the ‘molecular wars’ intact, rallying around Dobzhansky’s oft-heard assertion that ‘nothing in biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution’ (Smocovitis, 1996).
Tilly’s lab seeks to promote a deeper understanding of the genetic and epigenetic drivers of cell lineage specification, differentiation and death, and to then utilize the information gained from these studies for development of innovative new technologies to improve human health within and across. Traditions of medicine, collective knowledge from physicians, works of prominent historical figures such as Aristotle eventually coalesced into the field of study we know today as biology.
Rafael de Sá, professor of biology, has been awarded more than $400,000 from the National Science Foundation for his research on the diversity and evolution of a frog species found in South America. Offers an inquiry-based, intensive laboratory experience in which students have an opportunity to design and conduct independent research projects, applying approaches and techniques used in cell and molecular biology.
The animal behavior major blends biology and psychology to examine study life from a variety of perspectives, including ecological, evolutionary and physiological dimensions. Related labs, tutorial sessions, and field trips provide hands-on experience in a wide range of biological disciplines. Few areas of biological science are more thought provoking than the field of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. In anatomy, you will study the composition of the human body and how it operates as a living organism.