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The study is found that export is a positive effect on real gross domestic product and as a result, an increase in exports leads to an improvement in real gross domestic product. Import is a negative effect on real gross domestic product. Therefore, a decline in import causes an improvement in real gross domestic product.
Coal mining is usually associated with the degradation of natural resources and the destruction of habitat. This causes invasive species to occupy the area, thus posing a threat to biodiversity. Huge quantities of waste material are produced by several mining activities in the coal mining region. If proper care is not taken for waste disposal, mining will degrade the surrounding environment. The method of waste disposal affects land, water and air and in turns the quality of life of the people in the adjacent areas.
Brand as a term, name, and symbol gives quality and satisfy needs of consumers and on that way assure self recognition. Main objective of this study is to determine the factors which influence consumers to buy international brands rather than national brands. The main aim of the article is to look through the market of business evaluation for M&A in Kazakhstan. Nowadays Kazakhstan is standing at the inception of the development of M&A market; however, economy of country is rapidly growing, thus assuming a high level of knowledge and experience in M&A issues.
The influencing factors of stock values change with respect to the changes on economic factors depended on the selected time interval. These factors can be considered under two main categories (microeconomic and macroeconomic). The aim of this study is to http://www.sancroftcommunitycare.com/2019/10/01/pivx/ identify the effect of selected microeconomic factors (Total Asset Turnover Ratio, Debt Ratio, Current Ratio, Price to Earnings Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and Book Value) on stock values between the second quarter of 2000 and the third quarter of 2012.
In this paper, we identified the dimensions of internal service quality and compared them to SERVQUAL proposed by Parasuraman, Berry, and Zeithaml (1985). A semantic analysis of focus http://lift-element.ru/adobe-likvidiruet-predstavitelstvo-v-rossii/ group interviews from the Tunisian hotel industry conducted for this qualitative study enabled us to determine dimensions for measuring the level of service quality satisfaction.
This paper aims to focus particularly on some underlying issues relating to human resource on one side and society’s reaction against land acquisition on the other. In this paper we propose Mind Mapping as a technique which enhances holistic learning or whole brain learning in higher education. The dynamics performed in the learning and application of Mind Mapping is part of a participatory approach in the classroom as an element of the learning process. The research approach follows a quantitative methodology. The results reflect the views of students about the learning of Mind Mapping and its effectiveness in the study.
Luckin will lose money to gain market share
This trend not only has the potential of benefiting the millions more women languishing in the developing world, but also helping affected countries to realize full national potentials of their God-given human resources. The goal of this paper is to present hurricane Katrina in all its stages, from the beginning to the end and to highlight the economic, environmental and social consequences that occurred in the hurricane aftermath with a focus on the tourism industry.
- This research aims to identify the main factors affecting the success of science olympiad students who participate national and international science olympiads.
- Survey was prepared based on twelve variables with three, four or five measuring items.
- The success can be questioned in terms of company performance.
Java-разработчик Cash Management
The impacts of Interest Rate, Inflation Rate, Current Account Deficit, and Unemployment Rate are various through the selected sectors. This paper examines the motivation factors which influence https://www.madex.com.pl/2019/10/%e2%80%8eappstore-gopro/ young people when choosing city destinations in Europe and aims to show if there are any differences in the decision-making process between Danish and international students.
The notion of building maintenance is separated into 2 elements specifically building maintenance management and building maintenance technology. Building maintenance management should accurately be considered as unfolding how a system of maintenance endeavor might be prearranged to deal with a problem of building maintenance. It distinguishes that, aside from locating and remedying the building deficiency an effective programmed to restrain overall cost of maintenance but also in an effort to maximize the gain and benefits of the savings. There are a few factors that influence the decision to accomplish the maintenance work. There are the maintenance needs which is the principal aspire of maintenance is to protect a building in its early stage and some major rationale of maintaining building are retaining its significance and value of investments, maintaining the building in a condition which it persists to accomplish its purpose and presenting a good outer shell.
Desain dan Implementasi Platform Manajemen Historis Harga Saham dengan Kurasi Data dan Analisis Tekn…
In our opinion, objective processing of given information on Skythian Women Queen (Urzhar) will open for scientists of Kazakhstan a huge way for expansion of scientific communications not only in the history and archeology sphere, but also in development of the international scientific (archaeological) tourism. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the joint effects of employees’ moral values and job involvement on their organizational commitment.
This study provides important insight not only for companies operating in market of Bosnia and Herzegovina when it comes to factors that influence Smartphone users, but also for mobile phone producers with potential to enter Bosnian market. This work can serve as stimuli for new researchers to do similar research.
Proper awareness programs about preterm birth may help the women population to know and understand better the signs and symptoms of preterm labour. Preterm birth is a complex cluster of problems with a set of overlapping factors of influence. Its causes may include individual-level behavioral and psychosocial factors, neighborhood characteristics, environmental exposures, medical conditions, infertility treatments, biological factors and genetics.
In constantly changing environment all types of companies need some support from various types of funding institutions. Companies use their own resources to finance some projects or purchases but also take loans, mostly from banks to have additional support or in case of lack of money.